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Medical Billing

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    Outsource Medical Billing

    Outsourcing is a powerful tool for business growth in today’s healthcare facility.  Sharp Admin Service can help you leverage technology to improve productivity, maximize revenues, and reduce administrative costs. We serve the healthcare information system needs of the medical community by providing a full spectrum of services; all designed to help maintain effective day-to-day operations.

    • No investment in software or hardware servers
    • No maintenance/upgrade hassles and costs
    • Rapid deployment – begin realizing benefits immediately
    • Increases collections and cash flow
    • Minimizes billing and collection costs
    • Reduces payroll costs and taxes
    • Third party to deal with problem patients

    Revenue Cycle Management

    Revenue cycle management (RCM) is the financial process where we use medical billing or EHR software to track patient care from registration and appointment scheduling to the final payment of a balance.


    The key component of our RCM is to communicate with health insurance companies and patients.  We will schedule your patients’ appointments, verify benefits and obtain authorization prior to scheduling patients.  We will collect applicable copays and deductible at time of scheduling.  Insurance billing will be done daily.  Insurance follow up will be done monthly or based on the payment schedule of each insurance company.  We will remind patients of their appointments and balance due, send patients’ statements monthly, and of last resort, refer accounts to you to send to collection.


    Our RCM process unifies the business and clinical sides of your practice by combining administrative functions with patients’ treatment and care coordination with their private healthcare information.

    Appointment Scheduling

    We will schedule patients based on your criterias. Collect copays, co-insurance, and deductible at time of scheduling.

    Patient Pre-Authorization

    We will obtain pre-authorization for your special procedures.  However, pre-authorization for a procedure or medicine does not necessarily mean that the insurer will cover its cost.  Ultimately, patient must be advised that they are always responsible for what insurance does not cover.

    Eligibility & Benefits Verification

    We can check patient eligibility via the Internet over secure channels or phone in to get the most accurate coverage.

    Claims Submission

    We submit claims electronically to all payer who accept electronic claims.


    Payments can be received at your office or ours.  Also, we setup EFTs free of charge for all Traditional and Premium plans clients.   We will also download ERAs and send you copies.

    Denial Management

    We follow up on claims based on their payment cycle and at minimum every 30 days.  This is at the heart of RCM and helps to keep the cash flow coming in.



    Aside from remote access to your accounts, we also give you month-end reports to monitor the health of your practice.  Reports include:  Production, Collection, Accounts receivable, Patients’ Balances, Paitients’s credits, and Pending Collection.